

The following articles have the tag general:


Posted 2020-11-25 by Bruce Webber (general)

I recently purchased a mirrorless, full frame camera, which does a great job with both still photography and videography. Photography will be another avenue for self-expression. I will post some of my photos on the Gallery page, and at some point I may create videos as well.

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Vitamin D3

Posted 2020-11-01 by Bruce Webber (general, The Crisis)

Please consider supplementing your diet with vitamin D3. The level of vitamin D in the blood is correlated with disease outcomes, including COVID-19.

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ISO 8601

Posted 2020-09-12 by Bruce Webber (general)

You may have noticed that all dates on this website have the format YYYY-MM-DD (for example, 2020-09-12). This is in accordance with the ISO 8601 standard.

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Recent Influences

Posted 2020-08-06 by Bruce Webber (general)

During the last year, I’ve been concerned about the polarization in our society and looking for ways to mend this. I found two resources that are very helpful: Rebel Wisdom and more recently, The Stoa.

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My Core Values

Posted 2020-07-26 by Bruce Webber (BUC, general)

In late 2018 Larry Larson, a member of the Humanists of Birmingham Unitarian Church, asked me to present my core values. Here is the text of my presentation, which I delivered on 2019-05-31.

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Posted 2020-07-24 by Bruce Webber (general)

As a child I was fascinated by blank paper—either individual sheets or sheets bound into a book, but definitely blank. An unmarked page has potential; anything is possible.

I usually had no idea what to write.

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