Posted 2021-04-04 by Bruce Webber (general)
At a recent meeting of the Spiral Dynamics Integral group, Mike Tomaino gave a presentation on his book How To Be A Superhero, relating sections of the book to developmental stages described in Spiral Dynamics.
Posted 2021-03-28 by Bruce Webber (humor)
Now that my plan to become world dictator is suffering major setbacks, I’ve been thinking about superpowers.
Posted 2021-01-17 by Bruce Webber (humor)
I believe it’s important to act decisively when I become world dictator, so I’ve begun writing my first proclamations.
Posted 2020-12-11 by Bruce Webber (general)
I decided to create a short video to express what this time of year means to me, and the sense of wonder I experience.
Posted 2020-12-06 by Bruce Webber (general)
As I take more photos, I’m finding that I prefer to shoot in manual mode. That means I manually set the lens aperture (F stop), shutter speed and exposure sensitivity (ISO); I don’t let the camera choose these values for me.
Posted 2020-11-25 by Bruce Webber (general)
I recently purchased a mirrorless, full frame camera, which does a great job with both still photography and videography. Photography will be another avenue for self-expression. I will post some of my photos on the Gallery page, and at some point I may create videos as well.
Posted 2020-11-24 by Timothy Sparks (great films)
All too infrequently does a movie come along that explores the post-apocalyptic conundrum that mankind faces symbolically when choosing between technological and organic love. Even less frequent are movies about the literal conundrum that an actual man would face in the post apocalyptic world when choosing between loving a robotic woman or a human woman. This is the pot of cinematic gold that Cherry 2000 brings us.
Posted 2020-11-05 by Timothy Sparks (great films)
I set out to review another feature, the aptly named Alien Private Eye, but in my quest to obtain a quality version of that film, I stumbled across a movie that I purport is made for the troubled times we find ourselves in. I refer, of course, to Navy Seals vs. Zombies from the Hollywood Media Bridge division of Anchor Bay.